Our services
Operational Review and Analysis
Good decisions are based on good intelligence so before the designing starts, it’s essential that you first know where you are.
Corelogix have the experience to quickly review operations and data and evaluate these against the key future goals. Working with our client we will identify and resolve constraints and formulate and test new operational strategies to transform the business to meet the challenges ahead.
Solution Design
With over 28 years of experience designing Automated Systems we apply our knowledge, expertise and skill to developing the very best solutions for our clients. Being independent, with no agenda to provide equipment, you can be sure that the solutions we develop only use technology where it’s appropriate. The solution at this stage can also be used to determine or validate the budget and provide focus to the operations team to explore the peripheral activities and dependencies, necessary for integration into the existing business.
No business stands still however, so when designing, we will also consider a number of future scenarios to ensure that the solution is sufficiently adaptable to accommodate these, giving our clients the confidence that they are investing in a long term solution.
Procurement Support
Solution design is a two stage process, the first stage being the development of the core design, described above and this is then used as the basis of the bid requirement specification that we produce. The second stage, which takes place during the supplier bid tendering phase, should be the onward development of that design with the suppliers. It is here again that we can apply our engineering competence and knowledge of the supplier industry, to the benefit of our client. We are able to work with and motivate each of the suppliers to take the base design and adapt it to capitalise on their specific equipment portfolio. The management of this key stage is crucial to optimising the solution and delivering the best results. With our expert guidance we monitor the design activity to ensure that the brief is adhered to, that technology proposed is acceptable and any further benefits can be captured.
All this effort doesn’t just benefit our clients in the quality of the solution, other benefits include:
- A greater number of acceptable bids
- Higher quality, innovative bid submissions
- Improved supplier engagement
- Access to niche technology
- Competitive bid responses
- Greater choice
- Improved on-going support
Supplier selection
By encouraging suppliers to innovate during the procurement phase, the task of selecting the best solution can become more difficult. Applying a methodical approach to bid evaluation, scoring each bidder against key criteria, it’s possible to determine which package delivers the best results for your business. Additionally, this approach provides a clear audit trail, showing how the various bids were scored and the resultant decision made.
A benefit of the tendering process where the design development is closely monitoring during the bid development phase is that final modifications and adjustments should be minimal and generally captured as part of the final negotiation, providing tighter cost control and limiting variations to a minimum.
Another benefit is that this can speed up the implementation process as designs can be signed off earlier and equipment committed to production faster.
Corelogix can provide project management and/or technical support during the implementation phase to ensure that the expectations raised during the earlier phases are fully delivered.