Why Corelogix?
With over 28 years of experience working on strategy, process and infrastructure design, for warehouses, distribution and sortation centres we have unrivalled knowledge of the technology and applications and their comparative strengths, weakness and idiosyncrasies. This knowledge comes from a career history based initially on the “supplier” side of the industry working for a number of the leading integrators and solutions providers, but then moving into consultancy, supporting the clients on the “user” side. As “Poacher turned Gamekeeper” we have a unique insight into the “supplier” psyche and we use this information to the benefit of our clients, delivering better designs, a larger number of higher quality bids and stimulating a more competitive environment.
Before embarking of an assignment there are a few principles that should be considered:
Know where you are
Before looking at where you want to get to, it’s important to know where you currently are! Reviewing the available data and looking at the business projections sets the direction, we will work to make the path as smooth as possible.
Simple is better
Sometimes small modifications can yield big improvements, so before embarking on a major project it’s best to see if a minor project will suit your business better!
Two heads are better than one
Rather than force a design onto the suppliers, we will use our knowledge and expertise to engage, motivate and guide them so that their engineers can be creative in developing solutions that best utilises their technology and niche products, and motivate them to fight hard to win the jobs.
The devil is in the detail
By investing time up front in design and working closely with the suppliers, cost saving opportunities can be maximised and the solution can be honed to your exact requirements prior to contract placement, keeping unforeseen variations to a minimum and shortening the detail design period, post contract.
Too much choice
By encouraging innovation rather than constraining it, our clients can be confronted with a greater number of dissimilar bids. By applying a methodical approach to solution evaluation we can score the solutions giving an auditable decision process that will keep accountants, board and shareholders happy.
Design Ownership
By allowing the suppliers the freedom to design and innovate, the design ownership clearly resides with them, making the implementation and on-going operation and support of the systems far smoother.